Saturday, June 8, 2013

what to do and not to do before one day of exam

hi everyone ,today i tell you something that about befor one day of exam
it's from my experience

1>Tommorow is your exam and today u have started revision ,here everyone thinks that i have prepared everything before so i have to just see to checkout but it's not true u forgot the things u had read it 2 or 3 months ago so the first thing i tell u that never just chekout but understand it again at the time on last day
it's take time i know but befor one hour of exam when u reminds everything u had learned ,your minds found only that thing that u have revised befor one day,so if u just chekout u can remenber only very few points about topic .
And if u just not checkout topic but understand(read every point of topic and meaning what it tells to u, again not just few points !!)so your mind remember every point of topic in exam .

2>While u revise the topic ( assumed that u have prepared that topic before 2 or 3months ,or even 2 or 3 weeks before) u think   i have learned this so u read half of the topic and leave the ramining half part  of  it because just u have learn it before ,but it's big mistake .U have to read the whole topic not just half of .So if some questions come in your mind, your mind find out the answer quickly.
          Here i tell u if u have learned only half of the topic ,and some question come in your mind(that question is about the remaining half part of the topic that u have skiiped), your mind goes into "infinite state",where it doesn't find answer unless the answer tells by someone!!!!!
            And if u have read whole topic and not skipped it ,the answer told by someone is maybe u!!

3> Befor u start revision or while revision is running , check the exam  papers of  that subject( like u are in year 2013 then check exam papers of past year like 2010,2011..) ,check every question of paper and ask your mind that have read by u? not then read it. note that if  some  questions are repeated in exams then that questions has more  probability of  to be present in your paper.(and the main thing is ,that questions are easy to understand!!!)

4> At the last time of exam not think that i know everything about topic,learn if someone  know something new about  that topic .

5>Make call  to friends ask them if  they have learn the topic ,that doesn't learn by u then learn it from them
and u doesn't understand then tell him/her that u doesn't understand !!

6> This point can be applied only  after u revised everything that u have learned and if u have some extra time
                          If u have skipped some chapter before , because of  it couldn't undestood by u  ,and it realised by u at last time (something like befor 12 houres of exam ,at that time no one can give enough time to help u) at that time never skip that topic but just read that topic atleast one time (try to understand if u can).

7>Before one hour exam u identify some topic that haven't read by u ,but your friend had read it
           learn it fron your friend (only if he/she can easily teach u)not so deeply(because u have not so enough time ) but atleast as u write something about that topic if it asked in exam.

8>while u giving exam ,not so hyper that ,i have to take 100 out of 100, i have to must do it but just
calm down your mind ,just relax and  do your best in exam

I hope this points can be helpfull and if u have some new experience then please post your comment

Best of  luck for exams